Compare loans &
lower your interest rates

Ange beloppet för detta lån.
Ungefärlig kostnad i 12 år
0 kr/mån
Genom att samla lån får du större chans till bättre bud då hela din lånesituation beaktas och kan förbättras. Bankerna kan då "köpa upp" alla dina lån och ge ett förbättrat lån på hela ditt belopp, ofta med bättre villkor än att ta ett nytt lån ovanpå dina gamla
Din e-post behövs för att du säkert ska kunna motta låneförslagen och för kontakt genom processen.
Vi behöver ditt telefonnummer så att våra rådgivare kan kontakta dig angående din låneansökan.
Ansökt lånebelopp

310000 kr


12 år

Genom att påbörja ansökan godkänner jag användaravtalet och bekräftar att jag tagit del av dataskyddspolicyn.
Tryggt och säkert

* The interest rate varies and is set individually. For an annuity loan of SEK 0 with a repayment time of 12 years, a nominal interest rate of NaN% and SEK 0 in set-up / dispatch fee, the effective interest rate will be 0%. Total amount to pay: SEK 0. Monthly cost: SEK 0 divided into 144 payment occasions. Updated 2020-09-09. Advisa collaborates with 40 creditors. Your application will be sent to the creditors who best match your profile. Repayment time 1-20 years. Maximum interest rate is 32,99%. Interest rate spread between: 5,07% - 32,99% (Updated January 2025).

What do our customers say?

Advisa collaborates with 40 creditors in Sweden

Many connected creditors increase your changes for better terms!

Bank Norwegian logotyp

How it works

1. Fill in and submit your application

Regardless if you want to take a new loan or consolidate existing loans you start by submitting our simple form. When you click “Apply now” we will send your application to our 40 connected creditors. When the creditors have processed your application – the loan offers will show on your screen.

Please note that the creditors are “invited” to give you a loan offer based on the information you provide. Therefore, a selection of these may assess the application and then return with a possible loan proposal.

2. Choose best offer

You usually get the first answer within 1 minute. The response time varies between the creditors, but we will

notify you via SMS for each response you receive. Within 1 working day, you usually have all creditors’ answers.

When all answers have been received, choose what suits you best. If you need our help, we are available by chat and phone.

3. Sign

Now, all that remains is to sign the loan documents (digitally or by hand). In some cases, more information can be requested, it is

then clearly stated in the agreement. Shortly after you sign the loan documents, the loan is paid out.

Comparing loans with Advisa

Take the opportunity to consolidate loans and credits

If you are considering taking a new personal loan, it may also be worthwhile to take the opportunity to consolidate the new loan with your previous loans, credits or installments. Consolidated loans increase the chance of low interest rates and strengthen your creditworthiness in the long run. In addition, you do not have to bother with several invoices every month.

It has never been easier to compare loans

Through Advisa, you who want to borrow money can get several offers from many of the 40 creditors we collaborate with. After you have submitted your application, your offers are displayed directly on the screen so you can quickly and easily compare the terms from different creditors.

Safe and secure – always

Security is important to us, and one of the cornerstones of our service. That is why we use security systems and handle data with care. For your security, Advisa is under the supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

Advisa has helped over 263 000 customers compare loans.